Monday, April 22, 2013

What is pH ?

A simple answer to the question "what is pH ?" would be the following:

pH is a method for expressing hydrogen (hydronium) ion concentration in solution. According to this method which was suggested by Sörensen (1909), the pH represents the hydrogen ion potential and is defined as the common logarithm of the reciprocal of the hydrogen (hydronium) ion concentration in Molar units (moles/ liter):

The pH of solutions range between 0 and 14. The acidic region being between 0 and 7 while the alkaline (basic) region between 7 and 14. A neutral pH is 7 on the pH scale at which the hydronium ion concentration is equal to the hydroxyl ion concentration (1×10-7 moles/ liter ).
The following table shows the calculated pH with corresponding hydronium and hydroxyl ion concentrations in solution:

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